Friday, October 30, 2009

D&C Section 76

'What brought it and what it brought'-(John 5:29) Joseph Smith asking questions was part of what brought this vision. We need to watch for constant communication(Which is Revelation) Instead of looking for a powerful revelation. There needs to be personal worthiness for revelation even personal. There are 6 different visions within one vision.
Vs 1-19 Introduction and explanation
1. Vs 20-24 Christ
2. Vs 25-29 Satan
3. Vs 30-38,43-49 Sons of Perdition
4. Vs 50-70, 92-96 Celestial
5. Vs 71-80, 91, 97 Terrestial
6. Vs 81-90, 98-112 Telestial
Testimony of Jesus:
1. Personal knowledge of Jesus Christ
2. Verbal declaration of Jesus Christ
Received Not:
1. Never offered, therefore never received
2. Rejected
If we are valiant, we can touch others deeply instead of being remembered pleasantly. If we are consecrated we are reverent and genuinely constantly striving, loving Him and keeping ALL of His commandments(Seek so to do)
Those who are terrestial are 'honorable'but not valiant, they are not aware of the gap. They aren't miserable, wicked, unrighteous, or unhappy. A comfortable state. They are content with what they have. They are remembered pleasantly.
Those who are telestial are grossly entangled, overcome and in bondage. They are committing sins of omission.
To be a celestial person we need to: 1. Serve the true master-if the Master is a stranger to us, than we will merely end up serving other masters. 2. Greater consecration corrects omission occur because we fail to get outside ourselves. The hands which hang down and most need to be lifted up belong to those too discouraged even to reach out anymore. 3. Letting God educate our desires-everything depends-initially and finally on our desires. These shape our thought patterns. Our desires thus precede our deeds and lie at the very core of our souls, tilting us toward or away from God. Only by aligning our wills with God's will is where full happiness is found. 4. The need to lose ourselves, He is only asking us to lose the old self in order to find the new self. It's not a question of one's losing identity but of finding his true identity! 5. Submission brings revelation and joy-as one's will is increasingly submissive to the will of God, he or she can receive inspiration and revelation. So much need to meet the trials of life 6. The only possession that is ours to give is the submission of one's will, which is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God's alter. When we finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills to be swallowed up in God's will, then we are really giving something to Him. It is the only possession which is truly ours to give! Consecration thus constitutes the only unconditional surrender. Which is also a total victory!!!!

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