Monday, November 2, 2009

Wintnesses of redemption from the Old Testament: Ruth the Romance of Redemption

Light------------------------------ Spiritual Darkness
Obedience brings blessings
Oasis of Righteousness
Faithfulness of Gentiles
Deciding for the one true God
-The romance of redemption-reconciling Ruth: 3 laws to remember:
1. The Law of Gleaning-Lev 19:9, Deaut 24:19-21(The Lord's welfare system
a)one reaping, anything left for the poor
2. The Law of Redemption- Lev 25:47-50
(Redemption=Pay a debt)
a)land's subject to redemption by a kingsmen Goel(Redeemer) Certain conditions applied:
I) He had to be a blood relative
II)Had to be able to perform
III) Be willing to perform
IV)Assume obligation
3. The Law of Levite Marriage (Deut 25:5-10)
Names in the Book of Ruth:
Emilech: My God is King
Naomi: Pleasant,delight
Mahlon: Sick
Chillon:Pining, Falling, Puny
Orpah:Gazelle(Fleeing, apostasy)
Ruth:Friendship, Beauty, Desirable
Judah: Praise
Ruth wanted a gentile to go to Israel
Boaz: A type of Christ:
1. Boaz: in him is strength- she will find grace in his protection(Boaz is Christ) Its her character that Boaz has given grace for her.
2. mighty in pedigree
3. Mighty in power
4. total authority
5. Rich in Grace
6. Large in provision
7. plateous in Redemption
8. Star of Bethlehem
9. His fields are ripe 'ready to harvest'
Chapter 3 vs 9- she is proposing marriage to Boaz
Boaz is her redeember
symbolizes we must come unto Christ
Boaz redeems Ruth to be his bride
Obed: a Son who is worshipped
A message from the Savior!!

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