Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Tomb and the Spirit World-Matthew 27 & Doctrine and Covenants 138

The Lord Jesus Christ had died for all mankind. Pilate had taken the body of Jesus from off the cross. A wealthy follower of Jesus than came to Pilate and begged for the bdy of Jesus. Pilate agreed, and Joseph took Jesus' body and wrapped it in the lined, and laid him in his own sepulcher which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone in front of the door. Joseph of Arimathaea and Nicodemus were both Jewish leaders and members of the ruling body known as the Sanhedrin(BD 717) Both were secretly disciples of Jesus and members of the church. On the following day, the Pharisees and Elders came to Pilate and told him of their fears that the disciples of Jesus were planning to steal the body of Jesus so that they could claim that he had been resurrected. They wanted a Roman Guard to watch over the tomb, Pilate agreed and the watch was established.

  • During the three days of death, Jesus had gone to the spirit world to establish the preaching of the gospel.
  • Matthew 27:57-61=Joseph of Arimatheaea takes the body of Jesus and lays it in his tomb
  • Matthew 27:62-66=Pharisees went to Pilate to ensure that no one stole the body of Jesus
  • D&C 138:11-24=On Saturday, while Jesus' body lay in the tomb, His spirit is in the spirit world
  • Matthew 28:11-15=The Pharisees paid money to the guards to say that the disciples of Jesus took him.
Our Heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom has provided a means whereby all of his children will have an opportunity to hear the gospel plan in its fullness. Some will have this message taught them while dwelling in the mortal tabernacle; others will hear it when they arrive in the post-mortal world. All will have the occasion to hear the gospel and either accept or reject this great plan of happiness.

The plan of Salvation Affords Everyone A Chance to Hear the Gospel:
  • None shall escape the gospel message. D&C 1:2-4, 90:11
Joseph Fielding Smith: " The Lord has made it known that his mercy extends to the uttermost bounds and that every soul is entitled to hear the gospel plan, either in this life or in the spirit world. All who hear and believe, repenting and receiving the gospel in its fullness, whether living or dead, are heirs of salvation in the celestial kingdom of God."

The Way Has Been Opened For Those Who Die Without The Gospel To Receive It

  • Christ preached the gospel to the righteous in spirit paradise 1 Peter 4:6, D&C 138:18-21
  • The righteous then took the gospel to those in spirit prison 1 Peter 3:18-20, D&C 138:27-30, 57
  • The gospel allows us to all be judged by the same standard 1 Peter 4:6, D&C 138:31-34
  • Those who didn't hear the gospel in mortality but accept it later have eternal life D&C 131:7-9
Joseph Fielding Smith: "Before the crucifixion for the Lord there was a great gulf fixed separating the righteous dead from those who had not received the Gospel, and across this gulf no man could pass.(Luke 16:26)Christ bridged that gulf and made it possible for the world and the dead prepared for the ordinances of the Gospel which must be performed on earth since they pertain to the mortal probation"

Vicarious Ordinances Provide the Dead The Opportunity for Full Salvation
  • Essential ordinances are necessary to enter the celestial kingdom D&C 131:1-4, 138:58
  • Ordinances performed by the priesthood on earth are valid in the spirit world Matt 16:19, D&C 128:8-9
  • The Lord has commanded us to perform vicarious baptisms 1 Cor 15:29, D&C 128:1,5, 138:32-33
Elder Rudger Clawson: "We have two great churches, one in heaven, the other upon the earth. They are moving along parallel line, and the temple of God, it appear to me, is the connecting link that connects the heavens with the earth, because it is through the temple that we will be able to reach our dead. To pray for the dead may not be any real assistance to the. To actually help them we must do the work for them"

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