Friday, July 30, 2010

Life Is A Ladder

Life is like the ascent of such a column. While we are climbing up its dark stairway, there lies outside its walls a glorious world, reaching away into eternity, beautiful and filled with the rarest things of God's love. When thoughts of immortality and knowledge of the gospel come to us, they are like little windows through which we have glimpses of the infinite sweep of life beyond this hampered existence of earth. If we use the doctrines of the gospel as the rungs on the ladder upon which we climb this staircase of life, than our ascent will be enlightened, and all of our duties and responsibilities will be relevant to the goal ahead-that of eternal life we will realize the highest achievements and most satisfying joys. Our success in life depends on the way we make use of it. the advantage of leisure time is mainly that we have the opportunity to choose our own tasks. Not time to be spent in idleness. To make, to create, to produce something necessary or beautiful, at once lifts us closer to companionship with our Heavenly Father. Whether in work or leisure, it is important to keep our spiritual values uppermost in our lives, directing and determining our actions. We can all establish a beautiful relationship with the Lord if we so desire and then we will be able to feel His inspiration and work and live for Him. This is a ultimate joy that can be a part of each of our lives and mission to the service of the Lord, He will shower blessing upon us and we can become an instrument in His hands for accomplishing His will among our associates in the church. Spreading the gospel, loving it and being proud of it is always an asset. The worst thing that can destroy us is our spiritual pride. Turning to the Lord is an essential part of our eternal progression. A wonderful tuning agent is prayer. We must be careful that we do not only pray in our distress and need, but that we pray also in the fulness of our joy and in our days of abundance.

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